Speech unit Reflection

  1. One thing that I learned from this unit that I would use again is, the way Mr. Penk taught us to structure our speeches. Why I chose this is because I found this method to be helpful and easy to put my thoughts together in a way that I understood and hopefully my classmates as well.
  2. I chose the Destiny discover work cited tool because this tool was the one that the teachers explained the best and it was easy for my to navigate and transfer my information in and out of.
  3. I found that the websites were the most helpful for my research because the topic that I chose mostly contained information that was useful in a variety of websites. I didn’t use books and database sites because there were no books available on my topic and database sites did not contain information that was useful.
  4. One thing I think I can do to improve my research skills is try and to look for multiple websites for information instead of just using 1 or 2 websites.