Life Saving Measures

I thought the presentations where extremely helpful especially in the current state that our world is in, with the amount of overdoses that occur day to day. The part that will really stick with me is what to do if someone is having an overdose or heart attack because in most scenarios when something like that happens most people would panic and not know what to do so when you have a naloxone on hand or know exactly how to tell if someone is having a heart attack or overdose I think that could save a lot of lives even if its just having a naloxone on hand when you need it. Another part of the presentations that I learned was the how many people actually overdose a day, its about 7 a day, and a lot fo the time is isn’t even a choice. the last piece of info that really shocked me was the fact that the overdose crisis has been an national emergency for 7 years. Overall I think these presentations were very useful and will be life ling skills that you can use whenever.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements: I can analyze information and make hypothesis and judgments based on common sense, some in school ones would be like in science and making educated guesses on experiments, but in real life just being able to read the room and having street smarts.