English 11 Poetry Reflection

My Poem ” strawberry ”

This is a poem about my favorite fruit, strawberry’s named “strawberry”

Curricular Competencies Reflection

The purpose of my poem was to try and display my love for strawberries, by making them come to life and give them a story. I wrote this poem with Ms. Khokhar in mind, as she assigned this project for us to complete. I chose Strawberries because it’s one of my favorite summer fruits, and I grew up eating them, and going to farms to buy them all through the 2000s. I planned this poem with one thing in mind, I really liked the idea of having the words ” A strawberry” at the beginning of every sentence in my poem. From there I used that to develop my poem and fraise the sentences. Next, I used imagery senses to help bring the strawberries to life. I used it describe the berry itself and what famers do to the berries.

Creative Thinking Core Competency Reflection

I choose the topic of my poem after Ms. Khokhar mentioned favorite fruit or veggie, right after she said fruit I knew exactly what I was going to do. I formed my ideas after getting a general idea of what I wanted my poem look like, for example the ” A strawberry” then I developed my ideas off of that. I utilized strategies by trying my best to go in depth with the descriptions and trying my best to build off of other ideas I had.


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