Active Health 9: Class writing

A lot of students struggle with stress from school and relationships, which can affect their mental health negatively. Middle school is easy but high school becomes way harder suddenly, and there is a lot of responsibilities for high school. There is a lot of homework and you have to be responsible for them. Some examples of stress are being bullied, feelings of loneliness, peer pressure, and too much hard work. Also, relationships could be broken and that could stress people out. This is not a issue among my friends but I think it is for other students. Teachers could try to help students if they seem depressed or lonely. However, I think the students should talk to an adult first before they even notice. High school and life in general could be tough for teenagers, but they can get through it if they get help or try to be more positive and happy by using different methods.

PE 9 Wellness

My spiritual and physical wellness could be improved according to the survey I did. I could improve my physical wellness by exercising more and eating more healthy food like vegetables and eating less junk foods. Also, I am starting to workout and I am trying to become more active. For my spiritual wellness, I should try to believe in a religion and find a religion that fits me. I am starting to learn more about my Korean culture.