IDS Inquiry Question

My inquiry question was focused on improving my art skills for character drawing. The focus of my inquiry has stayed quite consistent as I have been drawing different components of a character step-by-step every week. So far, I have practiced drawing facial features by firstly using resources such as videos and then implementing them in my own character designs. I am now moving onto anatomy and have completed a sketch page and a character design for it. I am currently working on another piece where there are two characters with different anatomical poses. Overall, my focus hasn’t changed, and I have been steadily trying to expand my drawing skills. My time management for my IDS question has been mostly done during CENT time. Usually I scroll through Pinterest, TikTok, or other social media apps for inspiration or references I want to use to soon draw rather a character design or practice my skills. I do work on my IDS outside of CENT time when I have the time. This usually involves researching different tips for drawing and saving different references or pieces of inspiration I find. The resource that has been the most helpful is Pinterest as it provides a lot of references and different inspirations. I have a folder filled with different drawings or poses that inspire me to draw in a similar style and seeing the art styles and small components other artists used helps me improve my own drawings. Some challenge I have to overcome when facing my inquiry was the issue of artist’s block. I find it difficult to draw when I am having an art block which is where I’m unable to draw due to my mind being ‘blank’ or ‘stuck.’ This had happened with one of my drawings and the way I overcame this challenge was by moving on. Instead of staying stuck on a drawing that I am unsatisfied with to the point where I can’t draw anything else, I usually just finish the drawing without care and move on. This method has worked as it completes the drawing as well as gets me to draw something else instead of being stuck. Throughout my inquiry process, I have grown through the Creative Thinking Core Competency. This inquiry process involves a lot of creating and innovating when coming up with new ideas and methods for character designs. It also involves evaluating which of my ideas will be best implemented for a certain drawing. The way I will be sharing my inquiry process will be through my sketchbook. All of my drawings have been done in my sketchbook. My plan is to have my sketchbook and to walk through each page I have completed and describe my thought process, the skills I developed, and my final reflection on the drawing. So far, I would like to complete at least twenty drawings before the end of May as so far I have eight. Although I may not be able to achieve this goal due to the length of time it takes to complete different drawings, I will utilize the time I have outside of CENT time to complete it. As for my inquiry, I don’t think I will continue it for next year’s Capstone. Although drawing is something I am passionate about, I would like to focus on a science type of inquiry for my Capstone as it is something I want to pursue in the future. 


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