Show and Tell Presentation Reflection and self-assesment

curricular response

-For my show and tell I decided to look at the origin of witches and teach the class what these stereotypical ‘creatures’ are. One of my strengths in my presentation were being able to communicate with the class, sharing my ideas as well answering to Mrs. Willet’s questions. Something I would do differently if I had another show and tell would be to change my class activity, I would like to have a mini quiz at the end of the presentation to make it fun and engaging.

core competency self-assesment

I chose to do this topic because I thought it was interesting, we all have a certain stereotype of witches but researching and learning about this topic shows you that pop culture has set up a stereotype and that witches are not regular green women with hats, flying on a broom. Some of the strategies I used to complete the research for this assignment were Critical and reflective thinking, every time I looked up the information I made sure to read more articles, videos etc to make sure I could gain enough knowledge to teach the class, as well as reflecting on this information.

Final Core Competency Self Assessment

Textiles Critical Thinking

For this project I was able to work more independently and I was able to problem solve before asking for Ms. Monroe for help. Some ways I would problem solve were by watching videos on YouTube and checking in with my table group before asking the teacher, another way was by reading the instructions and trying to figure the steps by myself by critical thinking, from my last project I took the feedback I received to improve my problem solving skills and work more independently.