Most Memorable Food Experience

My most memorable food experience has got to be when me my dad and brother used to always order pizza from this hole in the wall place. It would happen every time we went to his old house and until the pizza place closed. The place we normally ate the pizza was in the living room with me my dad and brother. This meal stood out to me because it was great pizza and I was around my family. The pizza tasted great they used real pepperoni and cheese and the sauce was home made. When we freshly got it the pizza smelled fresh and good. The pizza also looked good and you could see the steam coming off the pizza.

My Tribute Costume

  1. What is innovative about your visual representation? I think that the clothes a shoulder guards I put on myself is innovative.
  2. How did you generate and develop your ideas while working on this project? I would click on the options and see what ones looked best/ represented me best and I attached them to my character.
  3. What did you enjoy about your visual representation? That hes tall, kinda looks like me, hes strong, and hes wearing a nice looking watch
  4. What would you improve on for next time? I think I would take off the gloves and make his a little bit darker because hes a little to white and kinda looks like a ghost.
  5. What did you learn about your creative ability during this process?  That I suck at art and I cant really visually represent myself super well.

Insta scientist

By: matthew cooper

The reason I picked Hippocrates is because he is someone I didnt know anything about and he was also the first name I saw but after learning about what he did and how he was basically one of the first doctors and how he inspired other people to become doctors/physicians.

Hippocrates info 

Hippocrates was born 460 B.C.E and died 375 B.C.E  

He was an ancient physician who lived during the classical and traditionally Greek periods. 

He was known as the father of medicine facts supporting this is that 60 medical writings have citied his name most of which were not written by him. 

Although Hippocrates is known for his famous oath that all medical students swear to at the begging of learning about medicine even though his name is mentioned in the oath, he most likely didn’t write it. 

A compilation of writings was found that were attributed to Hippocrates that have the basic understanding of disease and how the body works. 

Hippocrates is credited with the devolving theory of the four humors or fluids the humors he developed were yellow bile, black bile blood and phlegm which are all linked to an element [earth, water air or fire] or two qualities [cold, hot moist or dry] 

Smith, W. D. (n.d.). Hippocrates. Retrieved from
Timmons, G. (2019, April 16). Hippocrates. Retrieved from
Who Was Hippocrates? (n.d.). Retrieved from