Textile Arts and crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment


I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I can ask open-ended questions to gather information. I asked a lot of questions when I made my painted tote bag because some of the steps were really confusing and didn’t make any sense, I asked my teacher for some helped and she helped me. I also made sure to get all the steps right so I wouldn’t have to redo it. It turned out pretty good and I can also expand on other people’s ideas. People give me suggestions for how to put my project together when I can’t figure out how to accomplish a step like for example sewing the straps on and flipping them inside out. Making the painted tote bag was stressful due to me being a beginner at sewing but I ask and listen and now I really enjoy sewing and happy that I asked and communicated with my teacher/classmates. Communicating helped me a lot because I would’ve been stuck on steps if I didn’t ask anyone. I shared my project when my art teacher ask to put them in the middle of the table and we walked in a circle and look around. What I would improve on my painted tote bag is the straps I wished I made them bigger but overall they look good like that and I’m happy. Everyones project was amazing!