About Me

My name is Nickolas and i am a ninth grade student. I would like to get better at math because I had a tough time with it last year. I enjoy certain things in science,more specifically space and the things in space like, comets or asteroids. I’d say I am a above average video game player and I have gotten close to a few world records. I hope that next year I will get some more classes that I chose instead of getting ones i didn’t.

My Favorite Web Site

I chose you tube as my website because i use it everyday and because it makes me laugh. You tube can take my mind off of things that are bothering me and is the only place were i can listen to music that’s not on spotify.

My Favorite Video


I chose the 2020 300,000 code red apex tournament because I hope that one day i can become a professional esports player. I enjoy watching video game tournaments and i like to analyze what will happen next. I’m happy TSM won because there my favorite team

My Favourite Image

This in a picture of quadecas album voice memos. The music really inspired me to listen to other types of music like this and i enjoy every song on this album.

My Favourite Quote

COURAGE is knowing what not to fear.

This quote is meaningful to me because i think that knowing what not to fear is an important skill to have. Some people are courage’s and are not scared of anything but knowing what you should and shouldn’t fear is more important than fearing nothing in my opinion.




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