Core Competency Goals

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to

When there are disagreements in a group what I found that works would be letting everyone share their ideas and try to satisfy everyone’s opinion. However, a goal of mine would be trying not to disagree with our group mates and letting everyone take turns speaking. I plan on taking a more leadership role and doing something before a disagreement occurs. 

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in… 

I believe I communicate clearly and purposefully in my math class because I tend to have more questions concerning the homework. I ask the people around me and communicate with them and problem solving. However, I do ask the teacher for help when I need it and communicate with them when I don’t understand. Although I am not that great at communicating in my other classes and I think that’s one of my goals to purposefully communicate in those classes. When I have questions to ask them frequently and get help when I need it. 

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is

I believe I can work with the criteria and following instructions for an assignment and if done in a group I will do my part for it. Evidence for that is my law class for my about me project where we needed to add everything on the criteria exactly. However, my goal is to do more than what the criteria says and go beyond. I hope I can not only do what is told and do extra for my assignments. 

Socials Studies 10 Reflection

Self Reflection

In this project the skills that I show case are research and analyzing skills. I was able to analyze information and present them through a PowerPoint. I researched about Thailand and their country’s struggles and growth. The core competency that fills this would be critical and reflective thinking. I chose this assignment because we have more freedom with researching the country and how it has grown through the years. I learned from this project that every thing about a country matter and good government organization is a very important part of a country’s success.

Core Competency

The Core Competency I chose was critical and reflective thinking which is that I can analyze evidence to make judgements. This relates to my project because I had to use critical thinking to research about Thailand and make decisions that would support my project. Reflective thinking was also a skill that I used in this project because I had to reflect back at my decisions and recommendations for the country.

Core Competency: Communication

My Digital Photobook

In Business Application 12 we created a photobook with a topic we choose and presented it to the class. My photobook was about my favorite sport: Swimming and I descried my daily schedule, clubs, injuries, disqualifications, and a little about my swimming journey. The photobook was made on a word document and we added pictures and designs to it. I communicate clearly and purposefully, using a variety of forms appropriately. This is a communication skill that I demonstrated in this project because I was able to use what I created and explain my topic and each heading to my class clearly. I can present to my classmates clearly with different forms and for this project I used Word to present my project. I communicate purposefully, using forms and strategies I have practiced. This is another skill of communication that I demonstrated because I can explain a topic that is well known to me and that I understand with different platforms. A challenge I encountered will working on this project was the speaking and presenting section. I found it a bit difficult to go up in front of the class and explain my topic. I became really nervous while presenting but I used the tips given to get through the presentation. This skill is important for everyday life because you need to be able to talk to a larger group and express yourself. In a work space you should be able to create a presentation and be able to present that to you colleagues. In general this is skill is important because you will be encountering more situations like this is in work or your personal life.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE 10

Social awareness and responsibility are the awareness, understanding, and appreciation of connections among people. It is mainly interacting with others in a respectful and caring way. I demonstrate that I can interact with others and people around me respectfully. An example of this is when our class did an activity called Telestration Tuesday. This activity requires us to interact with each other and understand what our classmates portray without words. We go around and guess what the previous person drew without any words. This uses critical thinking and becomes a challenge to understand what they had in mind. You learn that everybody views things differently and how that can make an impact on your view. It becomes an obstacle when you have to think outside the box and connect with their thinking. Not always will this be right as well your view can change things leading to the next person having a new view. This skill can be applied every day, for example when you meet someone new, and they don’t speak the same language as you. The society we live in uses one important tool to communicate with everyone which are signs. To understand others, you need to be in their shoes and think as one person. This assignment is to interact with other classmates and think creatively. Also, to put you on the spot to connect different ideas that convey one thing. Even though this activity seems to be just for fun there are many skills that you can take away. 

Vertical and Horizontal Lines


The slope for a vertical line is rise/run=0 that equals rise/0 this line is an undefined line because when a number is divide by 0 it is undefined. This means that a vertical line will be the x intercept because the slope is undefined. The slope for a horizontal line is rise=0/run that is 0/run this line is a zero slope because when a number is divided by 0 it equals 0. The horizontal line then will then be the y intercept because the slope is 0.

A horizontal line with a zero slope

A vertical line with a undefined slope


The equation of a vertical line is X=__ when the line goes through a point for example (2,5) the equation would be X=2 because the slope for a vertical line is undefined. The equation of a horizontal line is Y=__ when the line goes through a point for example (4,7) the equation would be Y=7 because the slope is a zero slope.

Function not a Function

A horizontal and vertical line can be a function if they pass the horizontal and vertical line test. You use the vertical line test to determine if the line is a function by putting a vertical line through the whole graph and if two points of the line touch the vertical line it isn’t a function. The horizontal test is to determine if the line is a one to one function. A vertical line though isn’t a function because when you do the vertical line test on it the line touches more than once on the line. A horizontal line is a function because when you put it through the vertical test it doesn’t touch the line twice it is not a one to one function because it doesn’t pass the horizontal test.

Domain and Range

The domain and range for a vertical and horizontal line. A vertical line would be domain with the value of X=__ the blank would be the x intercept on the axis. The equation for a vertical line won’t have two numbers it will only have one number where the x intercepts. The Y would be all real numbers because it is a continuous line that goes on forever. For example X=3 the line will go through 3 on the x axis the y would be all real numbers.

A horizontal line is Y so it would be range with a value of Y=__ the blank will be the y intercept this time on the Y axis. the horizontal line will have one value that goes through continuously forever and the domain would be all real numbers for example Y=3.