Law – Desert Island

About the Activity

For this project I had to create a legal code for 30 people who were stranded on an island. We had to create a system and code for the people on the island to make sure that everyone was in order. We got to chose what type of system we wanted for example a dictatorship or a democratic system. Then had to create jobs, punishments, and laws that the people had to follow. Once we made this code we compared it to other codes like the Hammurabi code to find that similarities and differences.

Core Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.

I can understand and share information about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and different government systems in my desert island project. I shared this information in a clear and organized way for my project. I made sure to give definitions and explain what i was saying in a detailed way so it would be as clear as possible.

I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.

I can take roles and responsibilities in my group to make sure i am doing my part equally. I make sure to do my share so that the work load isn’t just on one person and is divided equal among the two of us.

I can work with others to achieve a goal.

I can definitely work with others to make sure our end goal is reached and that we do our best to meet that goal. For this project my partner and I made sure to stay on task and planned out our project to achieve our goal.

I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals.

I can also give, receive, and act on feedback to get to my goal quicker. I make sure to act on the feedback given to me as soon as possible to make sure my progress is efficient. I can also give feedback to others and my partner to make sure that it will impact our progress.

Goal Going Forward

I can get ideas when I use my five senses to explore or when I pursue my interests.

I think this is an area i tend to struggle with because i find it a bit hard to explore and find ideas using my five senses. I also find it a bit difficult doing thing with a creative perspective and lean more towards critical thinking. I am slowly working towards this goal by trying to find new ideas creatively and pursing areas of my interest. I am working on this goal because i want to widen my perspective on new ideas and just exploring these ideas.

Graphing a Parabola

My Equation:

In both of these parabolas you can see the difference in the vertex and the shape of the parabola. y=x2 has a vertex of (0,0) and the axis of symmetry is x=0. The other parabola has a vertex of (-2,3) and the axis of symmetry is x=-2.

What is the significance of a, h, and, k in my equation?

In my equation the significance of a is to determine if my parabola opens upward or downward also if it is wide or narrow. If a is a negative value the parabola opens downward, if the a value is a large number it opens more narrow, and if the a value is a decimal or fraction it opens wider. In my equation since a is -4 that means it opens downward and is slightly narrow. The significance of h is to determine the x value of the vertex point. In the equation h is the opposite because of the the vertex form of the quadratic function which is f(x)=a(x-h)2+k. For example in my equation y=-4(x+2)2+3, h is 2 and in a vertex point it is (-2,3). H also represents a horizontal shift of how far left, or right, the graph has shifted. The significance of k represents a vertical shift of how far up, or down, the graph has shifted. K is also the y in the vertex point for example in my equation (-2,3) 3 is k and y.

Self Assessment

  1. Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in three different
    ways? (for example, as a graph, an equation and in words)

A mathematical idea i represented in three different ways would be my quadratic function. I showed the equation in a graph form, and equation form, and in words.

  1. Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.

Where i used mathematical vocabulary would be horizontal shift, vertical shift, and vertex to describe h and k. I used this vocabulary to demonstrate my understanding for the significance of h and k.

  1. Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way.

In this assignment i used formatting to share my graph so the information would be expressed in different ways for a better understanding. I wrote out my equation to begin, showed a graph, and broke down my equation to each term for its significance.

Where The Blood Mixes

There are many examples within the literature that illustrate the character of Mooch. Mooch is a tender-hearted creature that has great courage. To begin with, he has an accepting nature. Mooch expresses his acceptance when he “enters the bar with a beaten face” because of June. June beat Mooch because last night he forgot to put the toilet seat down and she wasn’t feeling well. This shows us how Mooch accepts his mistake and lets June beat him without fighting back. He understands what he did and doesn’t defend himself, instead he receives what June gives him. In addition, he thinks about everything around him and how there is always a connection. Mooch thinks about everything around him in a different perspective. He conveys that “the sturgeon in the river feed of the bottom and if you die the sturgeon will eat you and then we eat the sturgeon.” Mooch thinks about the past and connects it to the environment that he lives in. He has a very soft heart because he feels the connection to those who have died in the river and how they are still with him at the moment. Mooch tends to have a strong relationship with his past, those who have passed away, and nature. This brings meaningful wonders for him to ponder. Lastly Mooch is a heroic human being. He reveals his heroic side by “[crossing] the bridge every day.” This is a powerful statement that Mooch says to June because Anne Christine’s mother died jumping of this bridge. Mooch has been through and experienced things that no human should go through. The residential school has traumatized and caused severe pain for Mooch. This indicates how Mooch hasn’t given up and still has hope to try and put his past behind him. As he crosses the bridge every day his mental strength grows as well as his hope. In conclusion the evidence provided conveys that Mooch is an individual that has incredible mental strength and a fragile heart.  

Core Competency Goals

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to

When there are disagreements in a group what I found that works would be letting everyone share their ideas and try to satisfy everyone’s opinion. However, a goal of mine would be trying not to disagree with our group mates and letting everyone take turns speaking. I plan on taking a more leadership role and doing something before a disagreement occurs. 

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in… 

I believe I communicate clearly and purposefully in my math class because I tend to have more questions concerning the homework. I ask the people around me and communicate with them and problem solving. However, I do ask the teacher for help when I need it and communicate with them when I don’t understand. Although I am not that great at communicating in my other classes and I think that’s one of my goals to purposefully communicate in those classes. When I have questions to ask them frequently and get help when I need it. 

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is

I believe I can work with the criteria and following instructions for an assignment and if done in a group I will do my part for it. Evidence for that is my law class for my about me project where we needed to add everything on the criteria exactly. However, my goal is to do more than what the criteria says and go beyond. I hope I can not only do what is told and do extra for my assignments. 

Socials Studies 10 Reflection

Self Reflection

In this project the skills that I show case are research and analyzing skills. I was able to analyze information and present them through a PowerPoint. I researched about Thailand and their country’s struggles and growth. The core competency that fills this would be critical and reflective thinking. I chose this assignment because we have more freedom with researching the country and how it has grown through the years. I learned from this project that every thing about a country matter and good government organization is a very important part of a country’s success.

Core Competency

The Core Competency I chose was critical and reflective thinking which is that I can analyze evidence to make judgements. This relates to my project because I had to use critical thinking to research about Thailand and make decisions that would support my project. Reflective thinking was also a skill that I used in this project because I had to reflect back at my decisions and recommendations for the country.

Romeo and Juliet Reflection

The story of Romeo and Juliet expresses many themes but one that really stands out is morality. Morality in Romeo and Julliet shows the socials standards for good and bad behaviors and characters. Being right, correct, honest, and acceptable was what Romeo and Julliet tried to represent with morality. In many scenes you can see how morality was displayed in their society for example when they had a party Capulet was a wonderful host that encouraged everyone to have a good time. This expresses social standards because it gives an example of how to act and host a party. He wanted everyone to have fun and was not being difficult with anyone. 

 Something I learned about myself, and society, is that it has changed immensely over the years. Before society had many rules and classes that families were put into. In Juliets family in the beginning her father treated her differently compared to how the society would treat women now. He gave her more freedom and choices with her life about when she wanted to get married and let her fall in love. As things started to fall downhill his entire perspective changed and he did not let her choose, instead he forced her to get married because after all she was property that had to be sold. In 2022 society is completely different and I think it has changed in a good way. Women are given more freedom and are not treated as property that is to be sold to a man. Women have jobs and make their own money so they can have a life without a man but before the life of a women was nothing without a man. Something I learned about myself from reading Romeo and Juliet is that if I were in her situation, I would have had a different way to approach this situation. Juliet was head over heels for Romeo and went to great lengths for him. They were incredibly young as well and they made very reckless decisions and did not think things through. I would have either let Romeo go or told my family. Romeo and Juliet were a love that was at first sight so something like that is not common in the society we live in now.  

What Shakespeare wanted us to learn from this play was to let go of old hatred and emotions from the past. These problems that have been carried on for years will only cause pain for others. Rather than fighting with your enemy, make peace and let go of the long vendetta. This vendetta between both families was the reason for all these people’s deaths. Shakespeare wants us to understand that life is too short to hate people and keep that going for years. We need to understand the values in life and see how precious it is, so we don’t waste it. He also wants us to learn that nothing is purely evil or good and that everything contains a bit of both and that includes human nature. Also, for something good to happen there has to be some evil or negative involved. The vendetta between both families was resolved after both Romeo and Juliets death. Even though there was a negative outcome the families learned their lesson at the end. 

To Kill A Mockingbird

Racism with regard to To Kill a Mockingbird

Racism is a broad issue and in Canada it has a deep history. Within the Canadian society racism has been happening for years and continuous to happen. Canada faces different types of racism and different groups, and ethnicities are affected as well. The concepts of racism like systemic racism, and white privilege in this society have a major impact on specific races. There have been many issues and cases that have brought awareness but not enough for change. Residential schools are one of Canadas most horrific historical past that many are still recovering from till this day. Recently we have been getting more insight on Black cases and Asian hate. Since Canada is an international country that is growing with many different races and cultures some people aren’t very happy about that. Some people in this society want to constantly blame someone for all the problems that they or the country face. Asian hate is an example of how during Covid-19 all Asians were targeted for starting this pandemic and spreading it worldwide. It still continues today where Asians are being told to go back to their “OWN” country and told to stop invading Canada. They are accused of the pandemic in almost all countries and Canada with a large population of Asians are being treated terribly. In Canada the discussion on Black lives is rising after the George Floyd case and cases in Canada are being opened to figure out justice for these painful deaths. Racial stereotypes are also an issue that all ages and races are witnessing. These stereotypes that are put on people have caused unnecessary trouble, misunderstandings, and unfortunately even deaths. Hijabs are called terrorists, Black people are accused of threating people, Asians are accused of spreading covid-19, and it goes on with every skin type and culture. This is a problem because from these accusations and false understandings people are being put to death and don’t get correct justice. People that aren’t white, have a different skin color, or race are always looked at differently and this causes major false allegations that lead to consequences such as death. These racial stereotypes and hate happen every day even by joking around or in subtle ways. People make fun of clothing, food, and culture that happen in all environments casually and these situations aren’t being talked about. Children at school are being made fun of by other classmates and these are covered up by saying it is a “joke”. By reading To Kill a Mockingbird my opinion on racism hasn’t been affected majorly. My opinion on racism has just gotten truer and stronger. In To Kill a Mockingbird the black man was innocent but because the statement came from a white girl the court took her side and he was guilty. These cases happen too often that it isn’t a surprise when it happens, and people aren’t fazed. Even the court which shouldn’t look at race took the ladies side and proved that white privilege powers over the truth. Racism isn’t something that can completely be changed it is something we all need to take small steps to change and make a difference.

Core Competency: Communication

My Digital Photobook

In Business Application 12 we created a photobook with a topic we choose and presented it to the class. My photobook was about my favorite sport: Swimming and I descried my daily schedule, clubs, injuries, disqualifications, and a little about my swimming journey. The photobook was made on a word document and we added pictures and designs to it. I communicate clearly and purposefully, using a variety of forms appropriately. This is a communication skill that I demonstrated in this project because I was able to use what I created and explain my topic and each heading to my class clearly. I can present to my classmates clearly with different forms and for this project I used Word to present my project. I communicate purposefully, using forms and strategies I have practiced. This is another skill of communication that I demonstrated because I can explain a topic that is well known to me and that I understand with different platforms. A challenge I encountered will working on this project was the speaking and presenting section. I found it a bit difficult to go up in front of the class and explain my topic. I became really nervous while presenting but I used the tips given to get through the presentation. This skill is important for everyday life because you need to be able to talk to a larger group and express yourself. In a work space you should be able to create a presentation and be able to present that to you colleagues. In general this is skill is important because you will be encountering more situations like this is in work or your personal life.

Accounting 11 Critical and Reflective Thinking

  • I can find some evidence and make judgements
  • I can use what I know and observe to identify problems and ask questions

In Accounting 11 I could find evidence and make judgment while making a balance sheet. While making a balance sheet I used evidence in the transactions and made judgments to determine which accounts they would go in. In accounting we are given many invoices, statements, and bills that we would use to find transactions and accounts to judge them after to see how it impacted the company. I can also use what I know to make a financial statement that the company can use and see where they have growth and loss. When I stumble across a problem I use strategies that I learned to figure out where I went wrong. I also ask questions to get help and learn where I went wrong.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE 10

Social awareness and responsibility are the awareness, understanding, and appreciation of connections among people. It is mainly interacting with others in a respectful and caring way. I demonstrate that I can interact with others and people around me respectfully. An example of this is when our class did an activity called Telestration Tuesday. This activity requires us to interact with each other and understand what our classmates portray without words. We go around and guess what the previous person drew without any words. This uses critical thinking and becomes a challenge to understand what they had in mind. You learn that everybody views things differently and how that can make an impact on your view. It becomes an obstacle when you have to think outside the box and connect with their thinking. Not always will this be right as well your view can change things leading to the next person having a new view. This skill can be applied every day, for example when you meet someone new, and they don’t speak the same language as you. The society we live in uses one important tool to communicate with everyone which are signs. To understand others, you need to be in their shoes and think as one person. This assignment is to interact with other classmates and think creatively. Also, to put you on the spot to connect different ideas that convey one thing. Even though this activity seems to be just for fun there are many skills that you can take away.