Racism within Canada with regard to To Kill a Mockingbird.

Racism Within Canadian society has been an everlasting issue in Canada. Firstly, the First Nations people have been significantly mistreated and racially profiled. Many systems put in place were designed to benefit white colonists while disadvantaging the First Nations populations who had lived here prior to colonialism. This power dynamic continues to be upheld and reinforced in our society, extending its impact on new racialized citizens. Furthermore, black citizens have been ostracized from Universities and Colleges. According to a 2016 report from Statistics Canada, the black community were less likely to obtain post-secondary education compared to the rest of the population in Vancouver, with a difference of around 10%. From these examples above, we can clearly begin to realize that racism is still an immense problem in Canada. In drawing things to a close, my opinion on racism has remained unchanged after reading To Kill A Mockingbird. The book has given me even more of a reason to fight for the struggles that these groups face in their everyday life.


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