Core Competency Goals

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I tend to find that I pre-occupy myself with unproductive things. I plan to set aside these aspects that negatively affect my studies and well-being. Some ways I can do this is by: turning off my phone, playing music that boosts my mood and allows me to focus, making sure I’m not mid-conversation with someone, getting schoolwork done as quickly as possible and making it my first priority. These are just some way that I plan to re-focus and boost my mood.

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are by making sure that I always have a positive attitude every day. I make sure the needs of those relationships are met and help in any way I can. I plan to strive further into my goal to maintain my relationships by continuing the contributions that I implement into them.

If I notice that my group members are wavering, that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by making sure we are all on the same page or asking a teacher for further instructions. This is of utmost importance because every single person needs to play their part to be a successful student and also a valuable peer. I plan to ensure that my group is on the same page and on the path to success.


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