September 18 2022

Core Competency Goals

I have no idea what type of picture to put here, so here’s a LEGO me that I use for stop motion animation.

I am so curious about ___, that I am excited to learn more about how I could use ___ to make it even better:

I am so curious about creating stop motion animation movies, that I am excited to learn more about how I could use different filming techniques to make it even better. I like to make stop motion animation mini movies with LEGO. something I’m working on is copying a movie trailer, but also trying to get different camera angles. My goal is to create two videos of the same trailer, one with matching shots, and the other with my own camera angles.

Goal 2:

I’m not sure what core competency this falls under. Anyways, my second goal is to turn in homework on time. More specifically, I am trying to get work done before the day it’s due. I need to work on this because this assignment here is due today at 3pm, and it is currently 2:13pm.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include:

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include searching on the internet for information, reading books that involve similar topics, and looking through past projects and assignments. My goal is to remember these resources, and use them more often to complete future assignments.

Posted 18/09/2022 by Sheila in category Core Competencies, Grade 11

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