Core Competency Goals

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are communicating more with others, reading more and drawing. Through communication, I could make my creative activities better because it helped me to hear different ideas and points of view on one subject. This caused me to think and hear more, which led to the development of several points of view in my mind. Additionally, I got the chance to develop my imagination through reading more.

An example of where I took a significant risk in my thinking, or the expected process was when I decided to immigrate to Canada. I was accepted to a top school in my country three years ago after performing well on a crucial test, but I had the option of attending that school or moving to Canada. Therefore, it was a very significant one; there was no turning back once I made the choice to go to Canada. Even though if I wanted to return to my own country one day, I couldn’t attend that top school anymore and had to take the test again. However, I chose to take a big chance and come to Canada.

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by asking them their opinions about the topic we are discussing. The reason is that I believe a few ideas and suggestions are better than just one idea. When we have additional ideas, we can talk more about them and come up with a solution or recommendation that everyone can support. It is crucial that the majority of the group members agree with the decision that has been reached.

My Digital Footprint

For digital literacy we were told to write a few paragraphs on our digital footprint, and how it affects us, others, and our future. To begin, when I searched my name in google, I didn’t expect that I have any photos in google. As I predict, I didn’t have any photos in google. I am not active a lot in social medias and all of my accounts are private, so there are few selected people who can see my photos. Because I didn’t have any photos in google, it probably won’t have any impact until now on my future, my job or even my university.

There are different strategies that people can use to keep their digital footprint appropriate and safe. They can begin with having few social media accounts. Also, it is better for them to make it private and just allow selected people such as their family and their friends see their photos. Moreover, they should be aware about what they share. Every time that they post a photo, they should think what if another person and not their friends be able to see it; then they post the photo if they want. Also, the things that they post online can be seen by their family and friends, and if they post something inappropriate, the people who care about them might feel a different way about them after it.