Pecan snowball cookies

these were going great and they were looking perfect throughout the whole process the blending went well the kneading was good and they were all evenly distributed they were all completely equal in size then I dropped half of them and they had to be half the size
the one thing I would improve on is that I should take my time.



The only method I can think of was the sautéed vegetables we used stove and knife safety what went well was when we made the vegetables and mixed them with the perfect amount of seasoning we could have improved on the overall colour of the dish but other than that it was very good and I would make this rissoto again



We used a yeast mixture in this case and for the safety we used knife and oven safety, I think that I did well on the making the pizza even so that the pizza is the same all the way around, I could have made the pizza thinner and in the shape of a circle I learned have to stretch and roll out the dough well this seems like a quick easy dish to make and I would make it again as it is simple yet delicious.