Separation Agreement

Seperation Scenario

Partner 1: Hojun Partner 2: Tony

About the Project

In this project, Hojun and I were getting a divorce, and we had to agree on a seperation agreement. First, we had to negotiate to try to get the things we want. During this, we had to take notes, and make calculations. Second, we used a website, which helped us make a separation agreement. Last, we did a reflection on the project. I got full marks on my note taking, got all or most of what i wanted, wrote a good seperation agreement and did a good reflection. My final mark in this project was 40/44.

Core Competency Reflection

  1. I can work with others to achieve a goal- Hojun and I were negotiating at first, which was a solo thing, but after that we worked together to create a seperation agreement, which was one of the goals.
  2. I can recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully- I can see the different point of views for both side in the negotiation process and I know how to disagree with some of Hojun’s statements.
  3. I can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others- During the negotiation process, there were some unfair requests that Hojun made and I was able to convince him to change his mind.
  4. I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself- I was really happy with the results of this project, and I got all or most of what I wanted.

Goal: I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.

Next time, if I were to do this project again, I would research on the average child support and spousal support amounts, and the rules on it, and use my knowledge on it to do my negotiation, because I feel like that was the only part I was ripped off on.

Core Competency Reflection

This project let me see what it is like to be in a seperation. It was a very real sitiuation, but I know that in real life, everything would be more intense. It allowed me to be a part of a process I wish I wouldnt have to go through when I’m married.

Law Debates

About the Project

For our group, we argued why polygamy should be made legal in Canada. I was in charge of the research on how people have started to have a bit more acceptance of the concept and idea of polygamy.

Core Competency Reflection

I can inquire into and present on topics of interest and topics related to my studies.

-given the topic of Pros of Polygamy, I was able to research the topic and organize the researched knowledge into my own words.

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.

-after researching the topic and understanding the knowledge, I was able to share my knowledge with the rest of the group in my own words.

I can work with others to achieve my goal.

-My group and I were able to come up with a good argument against the Anti-Polygamy side.

I can recognize the different points of view and can disagree respectfully.

-As a member of the group, we all had different points of views on what could be effectively used in court against the Anti-Polygamy side, and there were times where some of us disagreed with other members.

My goal: I can encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives.

-Sometimes people, including myself, are afraid to share their own perspectives on a topic and it would really help if one of the members encouraged you to share. I will start by asking everyone if they want to share something during group discussions, especially if I know that they are the shy type, and let them know that their response will be respected, because everyone has their own unique perspective on things.

Curricular Competency Reflection

Through discussion, our group was able to come up with reasoned ethical judgement. The judgements were about control decisions, legislation, or policy. Other than our personal opinion and perspectives, we also looked at the facts on how polygamy is benificial, successful cases of polygamy, the current laws against polygamy, how polygamy is affected by the Criminal Code of Canada, if there is any violations against polygamy according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and if there are any reasonable limits.