Research Assignment Reflection

Collaboration, Communication and Critical & Reflective Thinking

While doing the research assignment I demonstrated the core competencies of collaboration, communication and critical & reflective thinking.

When in a group I can be an active listener by asking questions and helping my group members out. I was to choose a topic of interest to do my research assignment on. I enjoy animals and thought it would be interesting to do a survey about them.

I was able to evenly split the work up with my group members and complete my share. I asked my other group members questions when they haven’t shared their thoughts yet. To avoid conflicts I made sure that everyone was able to do their role and helped out my group members when they needed it.

When doing this assignment I was able to take information from the survey and analyze it to confirm/deny my hypothesis. I was able to ask open-ended question in my survey to gather information for my experiment. I was able to analyze and understand the information from the survey to form my conclusion.


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