My Podcast

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Podcast Reflection

What were your books? Did you enjoy them?

My book was the five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom, and I really enjoyed reading it. The first person Eddie meets in heaven is the Blue Man. He is a member of the “freak show” at Ruby Pier. Eddie realizes that he accidentally killed the Blue Man during his childhood, and the Blue Man teaches him about the connection between all human lives, even strangers. After meeting the Blue Man, Eddie starts to more emphasize the wounds of others, and this is one of my favourite parts. As I mentioned in the podcast, I would definitely read another book by this author because I was astonished by how the author expresses each character in the novel. Also, the way the author got across the idea of forgiveness, connection, and value in ordinary life, was enthralling. Thus, I liked how the author conveyed the messages by showing different points of view, and the whole book was breath-taking and captivating.

How did you feel about working with a partner? Did you make the work equal? Was it more trouble than a benefit?

I enjoyed working with Myeisha and Samantha. Because there were technology and connection issues, we were only able to do 10 minutes podcast. However, through this experience, I learned more about dealing with problems and doing a podcast. I believe that the work was equal because we each took turns and asked questions to each other. Consequently, I liked how every time we faced a problem, we supported each other by searching and coming up with a plan.

What was your takeaway from the project?

I got to learn more about a podcast through this project. Grabbing the audience’s attention and expressing ideas in a meaningful way, are playing a crucial role in a podcast. Another takeaway I got from this project was that dealing with the problems might be hard at that time, but each experience helps you to deal with another problem more straightforwardly. For instance, our group had a hard time connecting the mike with the computer and dealing with technology issues. Nevertheless, this experience will help me to come up with a better result next time.