
This is the best because it is very helpful to me. It makes me more clear about post-secondary education and makes me better calculate the cost of university

my biggest gain from this class is that I have a better understanding of my future plan, I have a better thinking about financial issues, and I have a better understanding of myself. I use my blue print, which I think is very useful, and it shows a comprehensive selection of post secondary I also learned to do resume and scientific relief of their own pressure and correct understanding of their own pressure

In core competency 


My communication skills have become better because my English has become better


I made an interview video with my friend about asking each other questions, which was very challenging for me. We helped each other in English, and the video we finally made made me satisfied. I really improved my cooperation


In the process of exploring post secondary education, I have realized my strengths and weaknesses and better understood how the society operates

Positive Social media

Positive Social media


You can usually tell a lot about a person’s habits and personality from social media. This helps us understand other people and predict what they are likely to do and what they are good at. For example, you can see that I’m love photography when you see me on my perspective media and you can see what my photography is like. All in all, we can get a lot of information from it.

Core competency reflection

I can work with others to achieve a goal. I am good at cooperating with my friends. When I have a heavy workload, we often cooperate well
I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. I always get new ideas from discussions with my friends and I always change my life because of the ideas I get from discussions
I can demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior
I respect all cultures since I went to primary school, I have changed six schools from ordinary schools to bilingual schools to international schools and finally to Canada. Every time I change schools, I have to face new environment and new habits. I can also accept the local culture of the school, and I can quickly find friends in the school and I always keep positive
I can advocate for myself.I am good at cooperating with my friends. When I have a heavy workload, we often cooperate well

my goal for the future is to be more emotion-free and I intend to move towards I can recognize my emotions and use strategies to manage them. Every time I feel pain, I will let me get rid of the emotion faster. I will slowly let me get rid of the emotion faster

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