As a part of the metalworking 10 course located in Centennial Secondary we must make two dice that have a relatively even shape, size, and overall sleek-ness that proves the bare minimum of our understanding for this course. Furthermore, this project is used to teach us and get us comfortable with the machinery, rules, and overall technique of this course. Metalworking, welding, drilling and everything about this course is brand new to me, this is the first time I’ve ever experienced working with metal, the most I’ve done was woodworking. I feel as though this is a little evident through my work done in this course; my measurements are good, my cuts are clean, my welding is okay for my first time, but strangely enough, my tacks have been subpar at best. My first dice that I tacked together, the gas wasn’t on which led to a cavernous and overall ugly tack. While this should usually be an easy fix by grinding only the tack down, I got rid of the whole tack which grinded the actual dice down as well. My plan to fix this is to sand and clean up the edges I’ve made and attempt to tack it all back and try to work with the uneven-ish edges. In the future, I can make sure I’m fully set up and go through a physical and mental check to ensure I am good to weld or tack. Here is my progress and some of the tools I’ve used which are attatched.