English 10 Reflection – Aaron


I personally enjoyed the passion project due to its ability to stimulate both creative and critical thinking. I say this due to its ability to extend my writing skill, through structual practice and discipline following a schedule provided by the teacher. Furthermore, due to the creative freedom regarding the topic of the project, students were able to write an essay about something passionate to each of us. Due to this, students were able to write an essay on something we had previous knowledge on, this allowed us to focus solely on the structural aspect.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

I demonstrated the curricular competencies of create and communicate. I learned a multitude of different things, such as understanding strucual integrity is more important than big words which made the essay confusing. I did this through showing constant improvement in my writing which made a sophisticated, concise essay. Overall, due to the main focus of this essay being on the structual integrity of an essay, I was able to to climb the proficiency scale.

Core Competencies Reflection

I demonstrated the core competency of personal and cultural identity through the showing of my greatest passion, with the culture of others. I showed others why rap was a brilliant genre despite the view of dominent society, through this, I showed my personal opinions and experiences on why and how rap was the best genre. Similarly, I showed how rap often has an impactful influence on others through its lyrics.


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