Bio 11 has quickly grown to be my favourite class and my passion for my future as well. Throughout this course, I have loved the applications of science to real-world things and items, and how they are presented through this branch of science. I believe that this lab showed the 3 curricular competencies best. (ThinkingCC) Firstly, the process of directing a worm could be quite meticulous and time-consuming if not done efficiently, obviously, through this tedious work, I was able to develop my creative thinking skills by being able to change cuts on a whim depending on if I needed to change the cut line not to hit any of the internal organs. (Personal Social CC)Moreover, my personal goal is to be a radiologist or surgeon, I was able to relate the ideas of dissection and the nervous system to my personal social goals and responsibilities. This was done through constant applications of the course material, and the equally constant relations to my goals. (CommunicationCC) Lastly, I was able to represent my learning and explain how it connected to my experiences. This was shown through the lab write-up that followed the dissection, in this write-up, I was able to not only label and explain each function, I was also able to explain how the earthworm was able to function as a living organism. This obviously proves how I retained the knowledge displayed within this lab.