Geography Town Assignment

Core Competency Reflection:

I can statements.

-I can reflect on my thinking.

When i look back at what i wrote, i can tell what i was thinking, what i had in mind, what ideas popped up into my head, and how much time i spent to put it into words. i feel like this assisgnment helped me reflect on my thoughts, and myself.

-I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation.

When i was researching for this project, i looked at multiple sources, videos, and used my prevous notes to help me.

-I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

When i was researching about st johns, i saw many diffrent opportunities of what the land could be used for. I saw the evidence, and i decided, using the evidence of course. This project helped me on thinking about the information i was given, and making judgements.

-I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head.

One thing about me is that i focus really well only on things that interest me, so when i was at the buisness part, i had tons of ideas. of course, I couldnt write them down, but this project enabled me to judge based on physical forms. i havent done that before since most of the buisnesses i think about are online.

One goal i have going forward.

“I can develop a body of creative work over time.”

Even though many good core Competencies where developed during this assisgnment, i still think my work was lackluster. one problem i have is being create with work and putting my words down on paper (in this case, a screen). I will work towards that goal in future assisgnments, and in my hobbies.

Curricular Competencies-Geography Town Project

o I understood, identified and explained the reasons for the processes of climate ( rain, snowfall, temperature and winds ) on the town I chose.

o I understood, identified and explained how those climate characteristics created economic opportunities either directly or indirectly.

o I learned how to put this into a power point map and explain it.


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