My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Unit Reflection
Considering all of the examples of ads you saw and the one you created, what did you learn about who benefits from advertisement?
Companies and organizations get further outreach on their product or service, and in turn get more sales.
Discuss the effectiveness (or not) of each form of persuasion: logical, ethical and emotional on an audience (and on you).
This increases the chance of the viewer taking action on the ad because these factors incite emotion.
Logical: this puts out statistics such as my example, “someone dies of suicide every 40 seconds” or something like putting movie reviews from critics that say the movie was fantastic, and in turn worth watching. One good example is my ad and movie posters are a good example.
Ethical: credibility, trustworthiness, and reputation are what I define and assume “ethical” means. A good example of a company that utilizes this would be apple. Their advertisements do have anything flashy, and their products aren’t that great. But the reputation and vibe of the company sells more than the product.
Emotional: this is the building block of all good advertisements, as both of this ones listed above incite emotion. Triggering human emotions, such as sympathy, building hype (exciting!), or anger or sadness, is very effective because most people are very emotional. A good example is modern journalism, which focuses on inciting emotion from the title alone, which often leads to the most extreme case being reported for more clicks, or clickbait articles.
Choose 2 advertising techniques and explain why they are effective in advertisement.
- Emotion
Emotion is the most effective when used in an advertisement or branding.
Everybody feels emotions, and when you push the right buttons, you can pretty much get someone to do anything you want. Making the viewer feel many happy/sad emotions depending on the context will help tremendously on selling the product.
- Reputation (logical)
The reputation of a brand is very effect for many reasons.
- If two competitors made an ad and it was both very good, the one with the better reputation would win, even if the ad was the same. Example: apple vs Samsung.
- Can overprice items. You are paying for the logo not the product. Examples: supreme, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton, etc.
- Are buying not only for the product, but the social status that comes with it. So it has more on the table.
Core Competency Reflection
- This is how I selected images and words to create impact for my planned audience:
- I highlighted the word “40 seconds” to really emphasis the point of the statistic, and incites emotion.
- For the image, I chose something depressing, and I found the image on google.
- One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was…
I imagined all the previous suicide awareness ads I have seen, and visualized one myself.