Data and solutions
3 year GIC
year one: 80000 x 1.042= 83,360
x 1042
year 2:83,360 x 1.042= 86,861.12
year 3: 86,861.12 x 1.042=90,509+ 30,000
x 1042

I used Excel for my visual.
I used a GIC because it is more safe and you can’t loose any money like how with other things you can.
Collaboration and Contributions
1.I found working in a group having about the same amount of difficulty as working alone so it wasn’t a lot different.
2. I did most of the work in the group with the help of teachers. Nobody really contributed to my learning except the teachers. The teachers contributed to my learning by telling me how to solve the questions and helping me solve them.
3. I did not use solutions proposed by my group because there was none.
4. I would rate my ability to collaborate with others in my group a 1 because nobody was really communicating, and I was the only one doing the work.
Core Competency Reflection
I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head: Whenever I get a new interest, I will sometimes research about it until it is not one of my main interests anymore. I will also do research sometimes on things I have been interested in for a long time to find new facts. The ways I do research into these interests are listening to podcasts, looking them up, finding books about them, and copying the main things into a notebook.
I can develop a body of creative work overtime: If I work on something over time and it becomes interesting, I can make the work more unique. For examples when I write I usually write for 1-3 days depending on how much I do each day. If I work on my writing when I want to and over time it is much better writing than when I work on it for a hour when I don’t want to.
I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share: In projects and group work I will always have it done. I always have it done on time and to the role that either was assigned to me or that I chose to do.
I can be kind to others, and support others when they need it: I always will help others if they need. Sometimes I can’t tell if something is wrong right away but eventually, I will realize, or they will tell me. When I know they need it I will always support them and be kind to the best of my ability. Even when nothing is wrong, and they don’t necessarily need it I will support and be kind to them always.