My writing

Core competency reflection
One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is closing my eyes and just thinking about the setting of the story or poem I am writing. I like to think about the senses: what does it smell like, what does it look like, how does it make me feel, and so on. I feel like this can enhance my writing by just putting myself into the story for a second.
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I usually take a short walk since it helps my focus and boosts my mood, but sometimes this is not possible. If I can’t take a walk I will usually listen to music, change my focus onto some other work, or take a short break. I find that when I do this it improves the quality of my work and helps me complete it faster since I can think better afterwards.
This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences: for images I find things that I really like or my friends really like and I find a nice in between if all of ours so it will appeal to hopefully most people. For writing I just read and then from the books that I read I find things like words and writing styles I really like and try to combine them to my own writing and I write about things I am passionate about because the writing is always better when you like what you’re writing about.