My grade 9 year
This year was pretty good. I made lots of friends and learned new things. My favorite class was probably science because I found it really fun. I struggled in math a bit but I am doing my best to get better.
My favorite website
(58) Pinterest
I chose Pinterest because it is a good place to find pictures for projects. I prefer to find my images on Pinterest instead or google and stuff like that because I found that you can find images that fit better to the subject and there are a lot more stuff even if it is a not as well known subject.
My favorite video
I watched the matrix in English class to learn about Plato’s allegory of the cave. It was a very good movie and I really enjoyed it. I watched it before that but it was good the second time watching as well.
My favorite image

I like this image because it is very simplistic but still has much meaning. I agree with the quote on the image and you should just live your life no matter what the fear tells you.
My favorite quote
“It’s my life and it’s now or never! Cause I ain’t gonna live forever, I just want to live while I’m alive.” ~ Bon Jovi
I really like this quote because its saying you only live once and you should make the most out of what you have. It is a very true quote that I very much agree with.
Works cited
Gasparovic, Justin. “75 Powerful Quotes From Song Lyrics That Will Inspire You.” The Enemy Of Average, 19 Mar. 2023,
“Pinterest.” Pinterest, Accessed 18 May 2023.
YouTube. Accessed 18 May 2023.
Close-Up Shot of Inspiring Words on a Brown Paper · Free Stock Photo (
(zbib did not work for this so I used the link)