An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is how to budget responsibly. This will definitely help me in later life and I am very glad I learned about this. I have also thought a lot about what job I might want when I’m older, I am still trying to figure that out but I think this class has given me a larger knowledge of what it’s really like in the workforce.
I am curious about what I could do in the workforce and I am excited to learn more about how I could help out in whatever job I choose to make it even better.
This year was pretty good. I made lots of friends and learned new things. My favorite class was probably science because I found it really fun. I struggled in math a bit but I am doing my best to get better.
My favorite website
(58) Pinterest I chose Pinterest because it is a good place to find pictures for projects. I prefer to find my images on Pinterest instead or google and stuff like that because I found that you can find images that fit better to the subject and there are a lot more stuff even if it is a not as well known subject.
My favorite video
I watched the matrix in English class to learn about Plato’s allegory of the cave. It was a very good movie and I really enjoyed it. I watched it before that but it was good the second time watching as well.
My favorite image
I like this image because it is very simplistic but still has much meaning. I agree with the quote on the image and you should just live your life no matter what the fear tells you.
My favorite quote
“It’s my life and it’s now or never! Cause I ain’t gonna live forever, I just want to live while I’m alive.” ~ Bon Jovi I really like this quote because its saying you only live once and you should make the most out of what you have. It is a very true quote that I very much agree with.
Works cited
Gasparovic, Justin. “75 Powerful Quotes From Song Lyrics That Will Inspire You.” The Enemy Of Average, 19 Mar. 2023,
“Pinterest.” Pinterest, Accessed 18 May 2023.
YouTube. Accessed 18 May 2023.
The traditions in the Dominican Republic are the merengue which is their national music and dance style. They also celebrate some holidays bigger or different than us but we also have a lot of the same holidays. Their most valued sport is Baseball and they only have one main sport for all year round but in Canada we have two; Ice hockey for winter and lacrosse for summer. They have a lot of beach and ocean and the climate is very warm and tropical. I would like to go to this country for being able to go on walks on the beaches at night. If I ever went here I would probably stay inside more than some people because of the heat but the nights and evenings I feel would be very nice.
Core Competency Reflection
I can tell the difference between facts and opinions I can tell the difference between facts and opinions because when I find something online about the country I check other websites too to make sure it is a real fact. If I can’t find the same thing anywhere else I assume it is a opinion or they are getting their facts wrong and I don’t use it.
I can develop a body of creative work over time I start off with research and notes then I get images that fit the notes and print them out. I then put the notes into sentences that can flow together under categories put a colorful title and organize everything in a way I think will be visually interesting.
I can reflect on my own thinking I write don my thoughts and then read them to make sure they make sense and I don’t want to change them. If I don’t like what I put down I might rewrite it or delete it completely and put down a new thought.
I can form ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I get the ideas and facts from websites and rewrite them in a way that is easier to read and possibly more attention grabbing. I also may have conversations with may friends, family, or classmates who know something about the topic and rewrite those in my own words with their permission.
The golf tower and egg drop challenges helped me understand the scientific method process because I was aware of what part of the process I was doing when I was doing it. When I was doing the worksheets it also helped because I had to know the parts of the scientific method or had to check what they were before I answered so it helped me memorize the steps. Another thing that helped me memorize the scientific method was the Kahoot we did at the end.
Core Competency Self Assessment and Creative Thinking
I am most proud of the golf tower challenge because it was a success and I got a good height for it. I had challenges with the tape sticking and the materials sticking together. To overcome this challenge I used more tape to create thicker and stronger pieces to help everything stick together. I demonstrated that I can create new things when I draw models of what my devices could possibly be. I demonstrated that I can build on the ideas of others when I talk with people on how they could improve their idea or design. When trying new things, I expect setbacks and failure and use them to develop my ideas. An example of this from the Scientific Method labs would be when my tape wasn’t sticking so I made the tape longer and thicker to stick better and when the top newspaper roll wasn’t going on the top without sliding down so to solve that problem I put tape on it and it stayed.
I used a GIC because it is more safe and you can’t loose any money like how with other things you can.
Collaboration and Contributions
1.I found working in a group having about the same amount of difficulty as working alone so it wasn’t a lot different. 2. I did most of the work in the group with the help of teachers. Nobody really contributed to my learning except the teachers. The teachers contributed to my learning by telling me how to solve the questions and helping me solve them. 3. I did not use solutions proposed by my group because there was none. 4. I would rate my ability to collaborate with others in my group a 1 because nobody was really communicating, and I was the only one doing the work.
Core Competency Reflection
I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head: Whenever I get a new interest, I will sometimes research about it until it is not one of my main interests anymore. I will also do research sometimes on things I have been interested in for a long time to find new facts. The ways I do research into these interests are listening to podcasts, looking them up, finding books about them, and copying the main things into a notebook.
I can develop a body of creative work overtime: If I work on something over time and it becomes interesting, I can make the work more unique. For examples when I write I usually write for 1-3 days depending on how much I do each day. If I work on my writing when I want to and over time it is much better writing than when I work on it for a hour when I don’t want to.
I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share: In projects and group work I will always have it done. I always have it done on time and to the role that either was assigned to me or that I chose to do.
I can be kind to others, and support others when they need it: I always will help others if they need. Sometimes I can’t tell if something is wrong right away but eventually, I will realize, or they will tell me. When I know they need it I will always support them and be kind to the best of my ability. Even when nothing is wrong, and they don’t necessarily need it I will support and be kind to them always.
Critical and Reflective Thinking: Was the French Revolution justifiable? Why or why not?
I think the French revolution was justifiable. The reason I think it is justifiable is there was peasants starving which they had to do something about. Another reason is it was just unfair how royalty and the rich would get so much when the peasants were getting close to nothing which is just very unfair. And how the cost of living like taxes, food, and more increased was also very unfair.
I can analyze evidence to make judgements.
Yes, I can analyze evidence to make judgements. A way that I could do this is look at an article on a website and judge it based on my current knowledge and beliefs on the topic.
To figure out what my avatar would look like I looked through the book until I found a description of the character and then I followed that the best I could. For choosing plot points I learned to only pick the major plot points, or it will be too long. In movies and literature mood means the feeling of the book or movie. It is based on the setting. I decided on a scary/horror mood because it is about a horror book. I picked the song because it gave me as close to the same type of vibe as the book as I could get.
Core competency Reflection
This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences: I read the words and see what images come to my mind. after I have an idea of what I roughly want to image to look like I search for something similar (usually on Pinterest, google, safari, etc.) and once I find things that I like I add them to my computer and pick which one I like most. Sometimes I ask a friend or family member for their opinion as well. For words I like to find interesting descriptive words that I think will intrigue my audience.
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I sometimes take small breaks (15-60 minutes) to give my brain a break and let new ideas flow. If I can’t take a break, I sometimes work on other work I have if there is any.
In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by building on to other people’s ideas and using Ideas based on the topic I already had.
-I will help out in the community more I don’t help out in the community enough so I plan to do better with that. For example helping my friends on work they don’t understand, holding the door open for people, being there for people when they need, and many more things.
-I will try harder in school I have the tendency to not pay attention in school because I find it boring, I don’t like it and many other reasons. I also don’t always try to the best of my ability because I want to do something else sooner or get bored of it. I will try harder to stop this and pay more attention and work to the best of my ability.
-I will be more organized I have always been bad at being organized so I will try my best to be more organized. some of the things I will do is organize my binder weekly and try my best not to lose things.