Dominican Republic

Comparison to your home country
The traditions in the Dominican Republic are the merengue which is their national music and dance style. They also celebrate some holidays bigger or different than us but we also have a lot of the same holidays. Their most valued sport is Baseball and they only have one main sport for all year round but in Canada we have two; Ice hockey for winter and lacrosse for summer. They have a lot of beach and ocean and the climate is very warm and tropical. I would like to go to this country for being able to go on walks on the beaches at night. If I ever went here I would probably stay inside more than some people because of the heat but the nights and evenings I feel would be very nice.
Core Competency Reflection
I can tell the difference between facts and opinions
I can tell the difference between facts and opinions because when I find something online about the country I check other websites too to make sure it is a real fact. If I can’t find the same thing anywhere else I assume it is a opinion or they are getting their facts wrong and I don’t use it.
I can develop a body of creative work over time
I start off with research and notes then I get images that fit the notes and print them out. I then put the notes into sentences that can flow together under categories put a colorful title and organize everything in a way I think will be visually interesting.
I can reflect on my own thinking
I write don my thoughts and then read them to make sure they make sense and I don’t want to change them. If I don’t like what I put down I might rewrite it or delete it completely and put down a new thought.
I can form ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.
I get the ideas and facts from websites and rewrite them in a way that is easier to read and possibly more attention grabbing. I also may have conversations with may friends, family, or classmates who know something about the topic and rewrite those in my own words with their permission.