Problem: the purpose of this assignment is to make a meal plan by communicating with our group members and making logical choices on what, who, and when people are cooking.

We have chosen 6:30 every night because this time the whole family is home at this time. the reason that we are doing this when everyone is home is because it is better for everyone to eat at the same time as a family.
On Monday Teen 2 is making grilled cheese sandwiches because grilled cheese is an easy food to make, and Teen 2 does not have much experience in the kitchen.
On Tuesday we chose teen 1 to make this because it is a medium difficulty dish, and they have lots of time before dinner.
On Wednesday teen 2 is cooking because they have lots of time. This is an excellent choice because teen 2 can cook medium dishes.
On Thursday parent 1 is cooking because this is a medium dish and teen 2 has already cooked twice so parent 1 is going to cook this dish. This is an excellent choice because parent 1 has time on this day.
On Friday parent 2 is cooking because they have lots of time and parent 2 can cook well, plus they have lots of time.
Collaboration Reflection
We shared info by typing it out and using our words to communicate and share our ideas. Technology was helpful because we were able to share the same word document and it would update in real time. It was difficult at first because there were conflicting changes, but then we smoothed out those problems and got to work. The way we gave each other tasks was by putting that on top of the document on the first day. The tasks I completed were the justifications, part of the table, the references, and the problem. You can see evidence of me doing this because you can see my writing style and grammar. Plus, in class you could see me typing lots.
Self Assessment: Collaboration and Critical Thinking.
I know the group is working well together when I hear their keyboards typing and they are not talking. and i could see them on the word document that i sared with them.
One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to make sure that they are doing the right work and if they are not doing it right, i will leave it and show the teacher if it is right or wrong.
Others find my feedback useful because I tell it to them loudly and clear.
I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I chose to use Abir’s idea instead of mine when we were chooseing what kind of food we were going to use for the project.