Where The Blood Mixes Literary Paragraph

               There are many examples in the story that show what kind of a person Mooch is. Mooch is a very complex character and demonstrates all kinds of different personal traits. To begin One of these traits that he shows is that he can be a bit of a mooch sometimes and He shows this when he says “ill pitch in with the next one”. He says this after he says he would pitch in with the first one, but Floyd ends up buying Mooch a beer this time. Floyd knows that mooch is probably not going to pitch in with the next one. Mooch always does this, and its this kind of thing that gave mooch his nickname. This may be a bad thing but Mooch is also a good person. He shows this characteristic when he says “of course not!”. Mooch says this after Floyd asked him if he hit his wife. Mooch’s wife June beat him up badly and he did not fight back. This shows that he is a non violent person which is a good thing. Lastly Mooch is very immature. He demonstrates this when he would “[want to] arm wrestle for [the fishing spot]?”. This is an example of the maturity of mooch. Mooch also settles another disagreement later on with a bar fight. Mooch also has lots of bad habits such as drinking and gambling. Another immature thing that mooch will constantly do is steal from his girlfriend to but pull tabs and beer. Overall mooch has a very diverse personality, with some traits being good and some not so much.


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