Advertisement and Persuasion

My Advertisement

the Advertisement is trying to get you to buy the mouse that is on the poster. it is useing tecniques like band wagon. it is useing band wagon because the maneger from logitech said it was a fan favorite. another tecniqe would be special offer because it said that the mouse was 49 dollers.

Core Competency Reflection

i think that i did well on the comunication part because i spoke loudley and clear. i also had lots of eye contact with the class. i also think i did well on creative thinking by makeing the cool poster. i thought i did very well on that by takeing the picture myself and useing colours for the poster. link to poster is above.


sometimes nothing can lead to the best something“ -Winnie the pooh

i think this quote inspires me because I loved Winnie the pooh when i was little. plus I think it is a good quote over all because it is a very unique quote. it is unique because I think it it is kind of impossible because it say doing nothing cant lead to something. it does give you some hope

About Me

hello my name is Adam, some things that I like doing are hockey, and golf. in hockey I am a goalie. I also like cats, that is why I have one. her name is lily, and she is very funny. my favorite food is pears. they are the best because they full of flavor and very juicy. in the summer I love going to osoyoos because it is nice and warm there and I get to see family I also golf up there to! and that is all about me 🙂