
Three things that I have taken away from the presentations would be the good Samaritan act makes it so you are not responsible for the person that you are giving cpr too. this also says that you can not get in trouble if you have drugs on you at the scene of the person needing CPR. Another thing I learned was when giving CPR you need to go a third of the way down to make sure that the CPR is effective. the last thing I learned was you use your thumb while giving CPR to an infant. These are are things that I can apply to my life.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection 

I can analyze evidence to make judgements now with the knowledge I learned during the presentations.

Favorite Recipe

Chocolate Lava Cake

Making and sharing reflection

Using the knowledge from this and other recipes I learned that egg builds the structure of the cake and other baked goods. In this recipe the egg combines with the sugar to make its moist structure. One of the reasons that I am very proud of this recipe is because it was lab test. This means that I made it by myself with no help. As this was one of the first times cooking alone it had some challenges but I work through them. In the end the cake turned out well and I ate one and gave the other to a friend who birthday was the next day.

Core competency reflection

They way I communicate while cooking differ from how I communicate at hockey in these ways. While in the kitchen I use a calm voice and do not yell at groupmates like I do at hockey.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by telling them thank you and complimenting their food.

I know the group is working well together when I hear them talking and communicating. Even if they are apologizing to each other mistakes are bound to happen in the kitchen when it is crowded and hectic. If they are talking they should be on the same page.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen when I talk to groupmates during the labs. When im talking to them we are all on the same page and have a job to do.