This post is a reflection of the board game I made in Mr. Oriel’s socials 9 class. The board game is about of people come over to b British north America which is now known as Canada. In the board game when you are going over to Canada you can get a disseise on the boat because that was common because lots of people were crammed in on the boat because most of the people were poor. It is made to look like England and British north America because most of the people who came to British north America were English. By landing on different spots, you could get resources. The first to settle in British north America wins.
My board game looks like a map of England on the right and British north America on the left. It is designed to look like a map because this way you can sail across the ocean to British north America. The blue spots on the way there to BNA are sicknesses. This simulates how dangerous to get to BNA. The ships were called coffin ships because it was so dangerous.
I can form new ideas to create new things I showed this by make up the boardgame by myself and getting the idea to make the board a map. this way you can sail from England to BNA.
I can develop a body of creative work over time by working on the board game over time and colouring it to make it look better and more like a map. i also put a sea monster on it too.