The Novel

About the book
“The war between the classes” is a book written by Gloria Miklowitz, telling a story which happened in a social studies class. All of the students got to experience great social experience that even changed many of the characters. We spent the first 20 minutes of the class to read the novel for two weeks then we started to do some test, class write and project for the novel.
Core Competency Reflection
I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. In the novel study class write, we are asked to provide lots of our own ideas and reflections. During the writing, I learned how to share my ideas mixed with the example on the novel in a clear way.
Critical and Reflective Thinking
I can reflect on my thinking. In the novel project, I chose to do a journal for one of the main character and I need to stand in his position and go through those changes with him. That made me have a chance to reflect on my thinking too.
Creative Thinking
I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. As I said I chose to do a journal for one main character, I am asked for discover more of his inner thoughts, that give me a chance to understand Adam and create more scenes that are out of the book.
Personal Awareness and Responsibility
I can work to inform myself about issues surrounding me. The main idea of this novel is to share the idea that ‘We should not have prejudice to others, we are all the same.’ I have learned a lot from this novel with the issues that are surrounding this society and me.
Goal :
I can identify my strengths and identify my potential.
I haven’t discovered any aspects of myself that are better than others, and I haven’t felt that I have the ability and potential. I hope one day I can discover what makes me different