Research Assignment Reflection

After finishing the research assignment, I improved my communication and thinking competency. I work with others to achieve a goal. My groupmates and I have to do a research assignment about more sleeping hours affect high school students’ GPAs positively. During the process my teammates and I need to have a close discussion to get the same opinion, we respect and listen to each other’s opinions. We worked together at the weekend, and we all put our efforts into the project. Even though we do not text each other, we left messages in the word document and everyone takes turns doing it at different times. This makes me feel like we are really a team and we are working together to achieve the same goal.

For thinking competence, I can analyze evidence to make judgments. During the research assignment, we received lots of answers from different students in different grades for our survey. In order to get the result of our research, we need to analyze those data and put them in different groups. The evidence I have got helps me to make up a conclusion that sleeping hours do not affect high school students’ GPAs positively.


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