Yesterday, Shane John shared his experience as a residential school survivor, which helped me connect my thinking competency to how the residential school affects the indigenous. From Shane’s sharing, I can analyze evidence to make judgements. In critical and reflective thinking, topics or concepts for which I can offer detailed feedback or analysis include I know that they really have a bad period in the residential school, Shane told us his parents were luckily that they can left the residential school. His mom tried severals time to escape and has been caught back, and last she has a chance to ran away and never go back to there. However, not everyone is that lucky, children have their numbering uniform, most of the time they do chores and planting for the school instead of learning. Eventhough the plants are plant by them, they don’t have a chance to enjoy them, small amount of food have been distributed to them. They always live under starving and constantly looking for food to eat. In order not to feel hungry, they can eat tree roots, moldy bread and potatoes.
In personal and social competency, I can identify how my actions affect the community or environment and I can make positive change. In Shane’s sharing, I learned that in residential school children have no chance to speak and tell their own feeling, they need to obey to what others said. If they try to resistant, they will get punished and been beat up. I can remeber deeply Shane said that Bill didn’t come back anymore, even it as time for bed. The residential school took indigenous children all over Canada, they take children from their parents who ages around 4-6, the smallest is 2. This make me feel very bad because I can deeply connect that the feeling of separating with family is really painful. This unique experience have given me a lot, I really appreciate it.