Communicating & Representing on Parabola
My equation:

Graph of my parabola:

A value:
A value determines the width of the parabola. If the a value is bigger than 1, the parabola will become narrow. And when a is bigger than 0 but smaller than 1, the parabola will become wide. If a is smaller than 0, the parabola will face down.
H value:
H value determines whether the parabola shifts left or right. If the h value is negative, the parabola will shift to the right horizontally. If h value is positive, the parabola will shift to the left.
K value:
k value determines whether the parabola shifts up or down. If k value is positive, the parabola will shift up and if the k value is negative, the parabola will shift down.
In my equation, my a value is -2, h value is -6 and my k value is -5. According to my a value, my parabola face down and become narrow because it is bigger than one but is negative while the original parabola faces upwards as a is positive. My h value moves the parabola left and right so since the h value is 6, the parabola shifted 6 places to the left while the original parabola doesn’t have a h value so it hasn’t shifted. The k value of my parabola moved the graph 5 spaces down from the origin of the graphing plane while the original parabola remains at the origin as it doesn’t have a k value.
1. Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in three different ways? (for example, as a graph, an equation and in words)
I represented the same mathematical idea in graph, an equation and in words. Both three of them are able to let me find out the values of the parabola. And can help me solve this questions in different ways.
2. Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.
A lots of vocabulary are used to demonstrate my understanding such as: parabola, face up/ down, shift left/ right, narrow/ wide. These vocabulary can make me seems to understand this chapter better and makes me look more professional.
3. Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way.
I had use two colours to highlight the difference between my parabola and the original parabola to make it more easy to distinguish. Also I have listed out how the values can change the parabola in a clear and organized way.