Japan’s Judicial System

にほん の しほう せいど に わ けkかん が ある と おもうです。さいばん-ちゅう の ひとは ひどい あつかい お うける。ワンピースではじんるい わ ぜん’いん はんざいしゃです。かいぞくはせいふたたかいです。げんじつ せかい ととても にて いる と かんじます。ワンピースにはひとなまえわごろうせい。ごろそせいはてんりゅう ひとがたんといます。てんりゅう ひとはさいあくです。にほん の しほう せいどはおもいださせる。


In this paragraph, they were talking about going to go yamakawa kogen rent and how it was a 3 hour and half train from tokyo train station (it was in katagana)

In this paragraph (I did it for my final assignment), it was talking about how it was 19 thousand yen per night.

The one thing I don’t understand is a lot of kanji. I know the simple ones that I studied for before unit tests, but I can’t really understand the more complex ones.

For me, I think that the listening aspect is really easy for me. I grew up in a Korean household and I would learn Korean through my parents talking. I can speak well in Korean but I can’t write or read well. It’s the same for Japanese. I had a lot of Japanese family friends and I would watch Japanese shows so that’s where a lot of my understand is based off of. My part of Japanese that’s harder in my opinion is Kanji. Reading is fine but when I see Kanji, it’s like the reading comprehension devil took away my ability to read because I had no idea what they mean 99% of the time.

ぼくは韓国にいきたいです。一人で いきたいです。ぼくはだいがく に はいtたら いきたいです。ぼくのかぞくにいしゅんでいます。やちん お はらう ひつよう が ないです。



ぼく の せいかく わ でんじ に にて います。ぼくたちは ふたり とも たべもの が すきです。ふつうのせいかつ お おくりたい と いう ゆめ わ おなじだ。

ぼくはいかり しんじ に にて いるです。ぼくち わ おなじ かみがた お して いです。シャツお きたら おなじ に みえた こと が ある。

ひまな とき はゲームをします。エルデンリングやタイプソウルのようなゲームがすきだ。ぼくわゲームすきです。

ぼくはとくぎ わ すうがくです。ぼくはすうじ に つよい。ぼくはわ あまり さいのう が ない。

R1 – うらない

ぼくはほし うらない お しんじません。かれら は ひとびと に あやまtた きぼう お あたえて いる だけだ と おもうだけど、ぼくはカルマおしんじています。
ぼくはカルマおたくさんけいけんしました。-凶と大吉けいけいんしました。やさしく するべきだ と おもう でます。

RSelf Study

Honestly, I didn’t do the best in Japanese. I didn’t pay attention and fooled around with my friend a lot. If I were to do something different, it would be to have better time management.

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning is particles. There are so much particles and it was such a pain in the neck to learn them all. So far, I know O, wa, ga to, no, ne, yo, and a lot more.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I just walk it off to advance my development of ideas. It doesn’t matter to me what type of setbacks I face. In the end, I need to finish what I do and follow through.

My long term goal is to improve my time managment and pay attention in my class. If I manage to get those down, I think I would be able to have an average of high Bs/As.

I will take Japanese 11 for the sole reason of graduating with a language course so I have a better chance of getting into college.

If I were to tell my past self something, is that writing and reading is the best way to learn the alphabet. Memorizing isn’t the best way and you’re just overloading your brain. If I had taken my time and read and write, I would’ve learned hiragana so much faster.

Core competency Bio 11

Communication skills

dichotomous key

In this project, I had to use my communicational skills to cooperate with my partner to get this done. We discussed all the possible families each button was in, the structures that made each one unique, and sort them accordingly. This would’ve been hard if we weren’t on the same page. Using communication skills helped me finish this on time and I would say I did really well on this and I’m proud of what I accomplished.

socials reflection

In this pryamd worksheet, I presented my critical thinking through analyzing the pyramid and pointing out contradictions. I pointed out the contradictions of each pyramid and the people who released the info. I got 100% on the sheet and I’m really proud about it.

R3 – Japanese Mascots


I think for the most part, people in Japan really like mascots is because they’re all cute. In Canada, the main place to find mascots is in sports shows but in Japan, it’s pretty much everywhere. In Canada, we make our mascots to look enjoyable and to relate to the actual company/brand they are working for but in Japan, they just make mascots purely off of how cute they are. For some reason, they like things that are cute a lot more than we do in Canada. If we had a similar take on mascots, I feel like it would mainly appeal to teenage girls around 14-18 because this is the stuff I see a lot of teenagers takes pictures of like hello kitty as an example. If Coquitlam had a mascot, it would be a raindrop due to the fact that it never stops raining here.

R4-School life

In Japan, it’s a lot more respectful and way more strict than Canadian schools. The teachers are way less lenient than Canadian teachers. The upside is the fact that there’s swimming pools, the cafeteria food is amazing, and we have the same teacher all the time. I feel like we should have more responsibilities in our school because in Centennial, we leave the school as if it went through world war 3. If we have more responsibilities, we would be more respectful and better students overall. I am a demon in Janken. They call me the Janken demon. real.

Core competency assignment

Communication Chemistry 11

I can think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it. When I worked with my lab partner, we were friends already so conveying it wasn’t hard at all. We had a lot of fun and we did the lab efficiently. I did not need to speak formally or in a way a random person could understand because my partner could understand me clearly with the way I talk.