June 2024 archive

Creative Writing/Literary Studies 10 in Review

My Work

R&J Alternate Universe Project:

When I first started this project I was worried I wouldn’t write enough. Ironically I accidentally wrote too much. Despite that, I’m proud of what was written.

Curricular Competency Reflection

Core Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include searching up the meaning of words to make sure I’m using them correctly.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I attempt to start conversation by, for example asking what they’re reading if I see a book on their desk to somewhat break the ice.

Choir Edublog Post


In the wise words of Ethan McCafe “This year I was sigma!!!”, aside from the fact that I didn’t do any reflections. I also didn’t try to get any solos until the last concert.

Over time, I have learned to make choices that align with the choir’s goals and my vocal aspirations, as seen in my decision to attempt to blend more with my peers rather than try to make my voice stand out more. last year I tended to want to stand out more failing to realize that choirs sound best when they sound like one voice.

Within the choir community, I recognize my potential as a leader. This became evident when I joined Music Council. Unfortunately I did not end up doing much in Music Council but I will aim to volunteer more.

I prioritize my vocal well-being by consistently sustaining a healthy and balanced vocal lifestyle. This includes drinking silly drinks that help clear my throat. I also don’t practice metal screaming (unlike SOMEONE).

Vocal jazz Edublog Post


In the wise words of Ethan McCafe “This year I was sigma!!!”, aside from the fact that I didn’t do any reflections. I also didn’t try to get any solos until the last concert.

Working with my fellow choir members for our last performance, I contributed to our success by groovin and shmovin. I also smiled even though my heart was aching while performing.

Throughout our recent choir assignment and performance, I noticed growth in my ability to groove and shmove enhancing my stage presence. I can also hit higher notes now which is jolly good.

To further develop these competencies for future choir performances, I plan to work on my timing to make my groovin more effective. I will also attempt to encourage other members to partake in the shmovin while also interacting with them more during performances. I notice that I close my eyes a lot during Performances so I’ll work on that as well. I will also work on stuttering and pausing less while I introduce songs.