IDS Inquiry Reflection

  1. Include your answers to the following questions in your reflection: 
  1. What is your Inquiry Question? Has the focus of your inquiry shifted or changed since you wrote your Personal Learning Plan? Explain. 

My Inquiry question was “Can I build my dream house” but Im shifting in a new direction and changing my question to “ How many new skills can I learn by may and which one is the hardest” I realized I wanted to learn more like ASL, cooking, ect 

  1. How is your time management? Are you using CENT time weekly to work on your Inquiry, or are you finding other time during the week? 

So far time management has been hard. But from now on I’m going to be focusing on learning a new skill each week and using Cent time especially for that process. 

  1. What resources (people, websites, apps, videos, etc.) have been most helpful? 

Using Pinterest and YouTube has been the most helpful in learning and getting inspired. 

  1. What challenges are you currently facing with your Inquiry? What challenges have you overcome? 

Challenges Im faciong with my inquiry is finding time to work on my inquiry. I am now trying to overcome this by catching up and getting my work done and organized. 

  1. Describe your growth of a Core Competency through this inquiry process. 

I used my critical thinking skills when I was using SketchUp and had difficulty using the program, I looked on YouTube and used my thinking to build my project. 

  1. How will you share what you have been learning, creating or planning in this Inquiry? Are you on track to share your learning by the end of May or early June? 

I’m still not quite sure if I can finish this by may but maybe by June. Ill present my project through PowerPoint. 

  1. Will you continue working on this Inquiry, or parts of it, for your Capstone next year? 

Maybe, I’m hoping that through learning different skills I will find something I’m passionate about and further explore it next year. 


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