My Movie
Plot, Character, Setting and Mood
Mood in literature movies means the way you feel; the feeling of the book. The mood i decided on for my story was scary, i used this song to go over my powerpoint because of the scariness behind it.
Core Competency Reflection
Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in group work. When i’m working in a group i usually take the lead and make sure everyone knows what their doing.
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I listen to music to help me stay on task and not get distracted. It helps me stay happy and in a good mood.
An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when I was in a group with people i didn’t know and we were all sharing ideas, i didn’t exactly like the one he shared but i built on it to create a better idea we would both agree on.