My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques
Our advertisement is using emotional and ethical techniques because it’s playing off of people’s feelings. in this case it’s using the rewarding feeling of helping others in need, which is making you feel better about yourself. just by thinking that there are children in need of this donation and you can help them by buying just one pair of shoes really makes most people set aside their thoughts and buy this product. Our ad is also using people appeal or, ecology/public service appeal. our ad is using this technique because of how 30% of the money earned off of this product is being donated to charity.
Core competency Reflection
I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself: I can do this whenever I have completed something important and have done it well. If I complete something challenging i can be proud of myself and know that i have done it well. in this case i’m proud of myself for completing the advertisement and putting in enough effort.
I find it easy to be part of a group: i can easily be apart of a group as long as I know that everyone does an equal amount of work and puts enough effort into their part. i think it’s nice to work with a group of people you know well and know can do their part of the assignment right. i found it really easy to be apart of my group when we did the advertisement because we all worked hard and put in effort.
I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others: I can have a lot of ideas, but i also need to make sure their good ideas. i can also add to others ideas when i think that somethings missing. i did this a lot when me and my group were trying to make up ideas for what we’re advertising and how we’re going to present it.
I can reflect on my thinking. i can get an idea and think if it would work or not. like what could go wrong with idea that got? or how can i make this idea even better? i did this a lot too with my group when thinking of things to advertise. at one point we thought about doing a coke ad, but then i thought of that and realized it wouldn’t have effected peoples lives as much as advertising shoes.