
Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication CC Collaborating

I can work with others to achieve my goal because I can ask questions in case I’m confused about something and I can complete my goal with the help of others.

I chose this photo of a lab I completed because I worked in a group with two of my friends and they helped answer my questions to finish the lab. We all worked together to fill out the sheet and to mix the chemicals.

Math Self Assessment

When I am sad, angry or frustrated, listening to music helps me be more productive or calm.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in when I ask for help.

When I need to boost my mood or refocus I like to listen to music or drink water.

By helping people in areas I understand in the classroom, I make a positive difference to my peers.

CPR Reflection

My Learning of CPR

What Is CPR, and When Should I Use It? – Omnibus. Accessed 13 Dec. 2022.CloseDeleteEdit

CPR Reflection

What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before?

I learned that when performing CPR, you should place your hands below the patients ribs and not anywhere else to avoid hurting the patient even further.

What is a key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit? 

Heart attack and stroke symptoms are actually quite different from each other, and it is easy to tell whether someone is having a heart attack or a stroke based on this.

How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously?  

Most causes of heart attacks or strokes are bad health or poor diet which is caused by eating unhealthily and not exercising.

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I like to listen to music or talk to my friends.

In this unit, I am proud that I accomplished getting a really good grade on my CPR test by studying and focusing in class.

One of the ways I can see using this learning to help others is in case I come across someone who needs CPR because of a heart attack or stroke, I can help them until help arrives.

Core Competency Goals

When it seems like the good ideas just won’t come to me, I like to listen to music to help calm myself or create space in my mind to get the ideas flowing again.

When I am sad, angry or frustrated, watching a comfort movie/show, listening to music, or simply talking to my friends, helps me be more productive or calm.

How do you show that you are listening thoughtfully? In what ways does your listening contribute to your understanding? To show that I am listening to the speaker, I could put all of my attention to them instead of talking to people around me. I could also take occasional notes if neccessary. The way listening contributes to my understanding is when I’m asked a question, I would know the answer if I had been listening, which would make me understanding topics a lot easier.