Social Awareness and Responsibility

My Texts

Core Competency Reflection

  1. I feel like what I’m good at is being myself.
  2. I really enjoyed drawing it in general and what made it special for me is that before I’ve had people tell me that when they see a fox they think of me, and I think its because they’re always smiling and making the fox noise that makes them sound like they’re happy all the time.
  3. I’ve had many experiences before that I have learned from to be a better person by learning from my mistakes. My family and heritage have made me learn a lot of stuff that I would say have helped me shape who I am today.
  4. I try to think first before doing something, like for example thinking of the consequences. I sometimes I’m easily influenced by others but not serious things more like if the majority of people want to go to the beach instead of the mall, I would choose what the majority of people want to go to.
  5. I feel like what makes me unique is my personality, I have a very bubbly personality which sometimes I question but still like.

Capitol Mutation Collaborative Project

My Project

Public Speaking

I have learned to be more confident in public speaking. Additionally I have learned that I feel less nervous if I’m doing public speaking with someone else rather than by myself. One thing that is really necessary is that I have to make eye contact which for me is kind of hard since I feel awkward doing that so I would just look to a wall or outside which I would try to learn to do differently. One major thing that public speaking helps me learn is improving my English when I speak especially since it is kind of hard to because English is my second language.

Collaborating Core Competency Reflection

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to… discuss on the disagreement and why they disagree and then find something we all agree on.

If the group is not productive, we can …. in order to get things moving in the right direction.

We can discussion way of doing the assignment ina fun way so we still do the assignment and not feel bored.

I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by…

To ask them personally if they agree on what we are doing or if they have any ideas instead.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by… adding their ideas to the work or if they prefer that they do it by themselves, so it doesn’t feel like I’m doing all the work.

Social Awareness and Responsibility

My Artefact

Core Competency Reflection

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are…

Being in a group project so I tend to be more talkative so I can build friendships, and when I do I myself become better at participating, since I talk to more people.

Although I am challenged by…, I can get through these challenges by tapping in to…

Although I’m challenged by feeling insecure I can get through this challenge by tapping in to my mind and convincing it to not think negative and to stop comparing myself to other because not everyone is the same.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…

When I usually need to boost my mood I tend to take a nap, but sometimes i cant do that because for some reason because then at night I’m not tired so I end up falling asleep late and not sleeping enough hours. Another thing that’s on my way is homework, when I’m stressed I feel exhausted so I cant relax properly, so if I do my homework as soon as I arrive home wont feel stressed for the rest of the day.

Some short/ long term goals for myself include… and my plan to achieve them is…

A long term goal I have for myself is having a better academic score and achieving this includes trying my best at all times, because even when doing something simple if you give your best you might get rewarded later on. Another major thing is that I need to stop studying the night before of a test to achieve my goal, instead what I should do is study through out the some days before my test so I’m fully prepared

Hunger Games Persuasion Project

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertising Techniques

Our project is supposed to show an extravagant item people can buy and wear. We used ethical persuasion techniques which we can find through the quote of Katniss Everdeen’s stylist. The advertising techniques we used were glittering generalities and card stacking. We can take a look at the card stacking which is at the top left corner where it says “100% SAFE” and “100% STYLE”. For example, we used a more fancy font on the “Ever” in the quote. To conclude we hope you enjoy our ad

Core Competency Reflection

Collaboration Prompt: If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to…

I find it helpful to ask why there is a disagreement and within a group, we try to find something we all agree with.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility Prompt: I appreciate feedback on______ and prefer it comes in the form of…

I appreciate feedback on things I might’ve done wrong and I would prefer if it comes in a nice talking form, like the tone on how they explain the feedback.

Communication Prompt: Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in

I would say where I communicate clearly would be where I’m explaining the card stacking technique which we used. Since I tried to be as specific as possible.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Prompt: I used to think_______and now I know______because I …

I used to think there was only one type of persuasion technique which was the tone of voice you used but now I know there are more than what I thought, I also now know that advertising techniques are also part of persuasion.

Meal Planning Assignment


A family wants to make a plan for the week which includes everyone, they want to know who will cook each day, what will be made, how much to make and at what time will dinner be done. They want this plan to not interrupt their weekly activities.



Monday’s plan for dinner works well because Parent A is the one who is cooking because they are the first parent to arrive, they arrive at 4:30 and since they chose Chicken Noodle Soup, this takes about 45 minutes to get ready which is just enough time for parent A and the teens to eat although Parent B would be late for dinner by 15 minutes.

Tuesday’s plan for dinner works perfectly since they decided to make an easy but delicious dinner which only takes 5 minutes to prepare, they also decided to make double the recipe because it needs enough portion for everyone but since teen 1 is the one who’s cooking arrives at 3:30 pm which would be too early for dinner to they decided to wait until 5:55 pm to start.

Wednesday’s plan for dinner works well because Teen 2 is now the one who is cooking with the help of Parent A since teen 2 is a beginner cook, that’s why they decided to go with an easier dinner to make, that only takes 15 minutes to prepare and if they start and 5:30 which is when Parent B arrives it leaves enough time to have a family dinner.

Thursday’s plan for dinner will work well because since everyone had already cooked it only be right if parent B is the one cooking and since they are making only 1 recipe it’s enough for everyone and by the time dinner is done everyone gets to eat without interrupting their activities.

Friday’s plan for dinner works because they are making enough for everyone and since dinner will be done by 6 everyone will have enough time to eat peacefully without worrying that they will be late for any activity.


Collaboration Reflction:

Our group decided to place read out loud the questions and then the possible answers so everyone could agree or disagree.

Our group used a computer for our technology and we used Word for making the table because we were already familiar with the tables of Word than the ones from this page.

Since the day we distributed the days of the week, I wasn’t there, so my teammates decided that I should do Wednesday and then my teammates distributed the other days between them.

We completed all tasks and you can’t really see the distribution visually but my teammates tried to help each other in every situation, and if someone wasn’t there while working on the project, one of us would email them and describe what they missed and what the needed to do.

Technology & Wellbeing Reflection

Technology has helped me a lot during my life, especially when I needed to translate or find the meaning of something I didn’t know before. It also helps me communicate with people. Technology has helped a lot of people but it has also harmed some others. For example, people may have gotten hate comments that stressed them out, or a common problem that stresses you out is that it works with the internet and if you don’t have that it’s basically useless. You may be doing homework and suddenly the wifi stops working and you didn’t save your homework that would be an example of stress. So in the end technology might help you with a lot of things in life but it can also make life harder.

About me Assignment!

My Bio

Hello, my name is Ana Maria Infante for short just Ana. I’m 14 years old and I’m a Pisces. I was born in Colombia, March 8th. On February the 5th 2020, I came to Canada. My friends would say I’m funny, nice and a little bit shy which is true because when I meet new people I’m always shy but when I get comfortable I tend to get louder and less shy. I don’t have many hobbies but some of the ones I have but don’t do much anymore is roller skating, might not be a hobby but I tend to stay in my room and relax by watching some Netflix. Currently, I’m living with both of my parents, my older brother and my adorable puppy Lyla. Some things I like are stuffed animals because they are so cute, and there is one stuffed animal that is special for me because it reminds me of a dog we sadly had to give away. I can speak Spanish and I’m trying to learn Korean.

My Favorite Image.

I chose this image because it’s about my dog which I love very much.

My Favorite Website

I chose this website because is one of the ones I use most and also because it’s how I talk with my friends plus it entertains me when I’m bored.



 “No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin colour, your gender identity; just speak yourself. Find your name and find your voice by speaking yourself.” By Kim Nam Joon from BTS

I chose this quote because for me is very inspiring.

My Favorite Video

I chose this video because I like watching unsolved cases since it somewhat intrigues me.



(28) 5 Mysterious Unsolved Cases #8 – YouTube

20+ Of BTS RM’s Wisest Quotes To Live By – Koreaboo