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PHE 9 AH Reflection
Potential Stressor | Coping Strategies That I Use |
Procrastination Leaving until deadline Piled up work | Setting Reminders Occasional Breaks Music to Relax |
Procrastination is a big factor in why I give myself stress many times a week. Sometimes I would end up finishing the assignment and then I’m completely off the hook, and most of the time I would have a bunch of assignments left unfinished until the dawn of time and never end up finishing because of how I leave things to the last day. Even though I do somehow make myself finish the assignment due tomorrow I would still have at least 1 more assignment also due the next day, but by then, I wouldn’t have enough time to complete another assignment that I’ve spent about 5 minutes on. But when I do go into crunch time, I would pop in a random slow music playlist and would be the most focused I’ve been all week because most of the time I would come home and then start playing video games for about 3 hours straight non-stop until dinner is finished, and when I do finish I just go ahead and sleep until the next time I have to squeeze my brain of everything to finish a project.
Core Competency Reflection
I work with others to achieve a goal because: I find it easier to have other people to work with than just working by myself, with multiple people we can use our ideas and use them to get to our goal easier.
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it because: I find it very nice to help other people with something you’re good at, and maybe they will help you with something to.
I can develop a body of creative work over time because: I can get ideas from other things and combine to create stronger ideas.
I can reflect on my thinking because: a lot of things I do are in steps.
I deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head. sometimes I think about things that interest me but I will not try it because I think it would take too much work to learn a new skill.