Physical Geography Core Competency Self-Assessment

For physical geography, my group and I created a PowerPoint presentation about the impact of natural disasters in third-world countries. To gather information, we researched and scoured the internet for credible sources on the topic. We collaborated with our team members to organize and present the information in an easy-to-understand format, while also considering different perspectives and ideas. Effective communication was key throughout the process as we kept our team and experts informed of our progress and addressed any concerns or feedback they had. Our final presentation highlighted the importance of understanding the unique challenges and complexities of natural disasters in these countries, and we effectively communicated key points and takeaways to our audience.

For this project I was proficient in communicating but there’s some stuff I have to work on. To better communicate with my group is to actively listen to what others have to say. This means paying attention to what they are saying, asking questions to clarify any confusion, and showing that you understand their perspective. Another way is to be clear and concise when expressing your own ideas. Try to be respectful and considerate of others’ opinions, even if they differ from your own. Finally, try to be open to feedback and willing to make changes if necessary to improve group communication.

CPR Reflection

My Product

CPR Reflection

Something I learned that I didn’t know before was that during cpr, you have to push 2 inches at the rate of 100-120 beats per second. The biggest takeaway from the CPR unit is that the techniques and procedures showcased in this unit is essential to learn. At anytime anyone around you can go through a heart attack or stroke so having this type of knowledge will help you perform procedures to potentially save someone’s life. This connects to the previous unit which talked about the importance of nutrition because they are both valuable in our health and wellness. As they both have to do with knowledge that can save your life and everyone around you whether it be having basic knowledge as exercising everyday to keep a healthy heart or performing special techniques that can secure a life in the future.

Core Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements by checking on somebody to see if they are unconscious or not to then be able to give them the needed cpr.

I find it easy to be in a group because it allows me to listens to everyone’s thoughts and analyze the pros and cons of everyone’s perception on what to do and ultimately finding the best decision for myself and others.

I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behaviour by following the rules and allowing others to have fun by not ball-hogging which results in an inclusive and overall fun environment.

I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals. An example of this is whenever I don’t understand an aspect on a particular unit, I ask and receive on feedback which allows me to progress in my work which ultimately creates an easier pathway for my goals. Also with doing this, and using the knowledge I have consumed, I’m able to make an environment of learning where I can help others achieve goals similar to mine.

My Core Competency Goal

I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I struggle with this the most because in class, I have a hard time gathering thoughts and most of the time I don’t know what to say. So I’d like to work on getting out of my comfort zone and to become an active and supporter listener.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility: How I manage school-related stress

This beautiful image relieves of my stress very much. It reminds me of the days I ate some good chicken at Jollibee.

  • When I make mistakes, I don’t beat myself up. Instead I move on and learn from it.
  • Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include playing basketball, sleeping well and spending time with my family.
  • When I am feeling anxious about a test, I can calm myself by listening to calm music
  • When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I go for a walk outside.