Law debates

Debates Artifact

About the project

For this project we had to pick a side of pro prostutoion or con prostotution. I picked pro, now each side had their own team which would work together to gather research about the topic and start the debate. For each debate there had to be an Opening statement, rebuttal, main points and a closing argument. I Focused on the closing argument and feel I did a very goof job and wee won.

I can show if I like something or not

I can show if I like something or not by my body language as well as communicating with others if something is bothering me and finding a solution to the problem

I can sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle

I can sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle by always keeping in mind what is important to my core values and what aligns with them and what doesn’t.

I can experiment with different ways of doing things

I can experiment with different ways of doing things by trying out new things and seeing if I like them or not. I can also do this by dipping my toe into the water instead of jumping right in

I can evaluate the credibility of sources of information

can evaluate the credibility of sources of information by seeing the end of the link if it is a .gov site I know it is real. if it is a wiki page I dont know if it is a credible source

1 goal moving forward is to always do everything the best that I can

Curricular competence reflection

I was able to make reasonable ethical decisions by reaching to my heart and soul and pulling the answers out always go with the gut feeling.