About Me

My Bio

Hi! I’m Grace and I would like to describe myself as an introverted and cheerful person. Whenever I have free time, I enjoy reading Korean comics and having a fun time with my friends, but sometimes I spend too much money. Often times, we do activities together that involve sports or cooking food. Without a doubt, volleyball is one of my favourite sports. I don’t know why, but just keeping a ball up in the air is so entertaining especially if it’s up for a long time. Baking is also a hobby that makes me feel both confused and accomplished. In particular, when my measuring cups don’t match up with the recipe. From time to time, I just lay in my bed or go on a walk and listen to some music. Personally, it’s one of the best stress relieving things out there. Most times I turn on songs that leave a warmhearted feeling inside and play them for hours. I always choose based on how I’m feeling that day. Besides that, I have a habit of leaving small drawings on my paper if there’s space since it’s a quick activity to do, but they don’t always look the best. If I were to say what I’m bad at, it would definitely be technology and the motivation to do anything. That’s why my goals are to be more efficient and lead a more organized life. I hope you enjoyed reading a little about me:)

My Favourite Website


Online shopping is the best thing ever! Even if I’m not getting anything, just browsing through and looking at the clothes give me a burst of serotonin. It’s that feeling where you get excited for the slightest chance that you could buy it. One time, I was on this website for two hours just exploring and talking with my friends through call. It’s truly a delightful place to go if you’re bored.

My Favourite Video

The video you see above is a three hour vlog of just studying while listening to music. After watching a small bit, I must say I am impressed with how hard she is working. It gives me motivation to put in more effort, so that others can also be inspired by my work habits just like what this person is doing here.

My Favourite Image

To start off, I recently found this picture off the internet and decided to use this for my image. There was another photo that inspired me before I found this one, but there was no creative commons license. I’m still content with this one too. For me, the view looks spectacular and makes me fantasize about life itself. There are many emotions I go through whenever I see it and that’s why I chose this specifically.

My Favourite Quote

“Money cannot buy health, but I’d settle for a diamond-studded wheelchair.”

—Dorothy Parker

Works Cited

Parade. “101 Funny Quotes That Will Make YOU LOL! (and They’re All Safe for Work).” Parade, 4 June 2021, parade.com/940913/parade/funny-quotes/. 

“Real Time Study with Me / Kpop Piano Mix.” YouTube, YouTube, 9 May 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xXVKBdRAWg. 

“THAILAND.” GAGAN MOORTHY, gaganmoorthy.com/thailand

“Women’s Clothing , Women FASHION Sale: SHEIN Canada.” Women’s Clothing , Women Fashion Sale | SHEIN Canada, ca.shein.com/?url_from=cagooglebrandshein_sheinShein02_srsa_20210124&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI39SL2PaR8wIVr3NvBB2YhAsfEAAYASAAEgITWvD_BwE.